Fortnite Thank you for reading, add me in Fortnite at ΩmagaX
is a game similar to PUBG or ROS, it is basically the same, there is the safe zone, you go to an battlefield with scattered resources and collect them.Fortnite is different, you get to destroy structures in the map for resources with your mining tool, you can edit blocks and place them using resources, unlike the other battle royal games, Fortnite is the most fun among them.› When moving from one location or building to the next, avoid running out in the open if you can help it. Use the cover of trees, buildings or cliffs to help you avoid getting spotted. If you get caught unprepared in someone's fire sight, you'll last barely a few seconds.
› Even if you have reached the safe circle, don't assume every other player is also there, as more will be coming from the outside in. Remember this to not only avoid getting shot in the back, but also to your advantage, especially if you can pick advancing players off from the safety of a nearby building or player-made structure or build your own cover.
› If you do see a player, or hear gunshots nearby, carefully think whether you should approach, as you could easily be outgunned and outnumbered. On the other hand, you could also approach the end of firefight when all other combatants are injured. The reward for taking on other players could be valuable weapons and ammo - but it could also mean the end of your run.
› Weapons and resources spawn in buildings and structures, and like PUBG, appears more frequently in populated areas. This doesn't immediately mean you should go there, as they will attract other players doing the same thing. Again, you need to weigh up the risk reward of getting better loot while also coming up against more competition. It's always possible to strike a balance, building up the confidence to explore villages as your arsenal grows, or even ignore most buildings entirely.
› You cannot go prone in Fortnite, meaning hiding in the long grass or slowly worming your way to a building is impossible.
› You can crouch to help hide your presence as much as possible, and move faster with crouching by hitting sprint as you would when standing upright.
› Weapons work much differently than PUBG. There are no separate attachments, with weapons coming already equipped with scopes and other modifiers already attached.
› In the new version of Fortnite, you can "drive trolleys". The trolley can fit two players, one drive and one passenger, when you hit the spacebar, you will push and if you hold it, it will glide, continuously hit the spacebar to make the trolly go faster - which is faster than walking in Fortnite.The trolley is categorised as a vehicle in Fortnite, it spawns automatically; it can be found lying around for you to pick up.
› The PvE in Fortnite will be coming free sometime in season 4, do don't buy the PvE now as it will be released very soon for free, the release is just round the corner, if you would like to read up more, click on these two links to find out more [link] [link] [link].
› If you would like to see pro gameplay and win free V-Bucks, go to this web. reg=
› You may want to get a mouse with multiple buttons to help you in your gameplay as it is faster, you can program it to a certain letter. You can watch examples with the live stream below- these games are played in real-time.
› Fortnite is available across platforms, you can download it on PC, Mac/ Console (PS4/Xbox)
› When you first start playing the game, you should play 50 versus 50 as it is easier, play on that game mode until you build up required skills to play the rest of the modes as you will have the most allias in this mode.
› If you have too much resources, you can go to a vending machine and exchange your resources for weapons, traps and more. You can only accumulate 999 of each type of resource, if you harvest more, you will drop the rest beside the item that you are harvesting.
› As your first mass-resource collection, chop down trees with their weak spots, you will get alot of wood quickly, a large tree would give you about 88 wood and a medium-sized tree will give you about 50 wood and a small tree will give you about 30 wood, trees generate lots of wood which allows you to accumulate the max amount of wood (999) very quickly.
› Fortnite is more strategic than PUBG or its other competitors, it is fast-paced, more fun game, this game is also has easter eggs like the disco centre, the shark/unreal tournament easter egg and more you can click here or here to find out more about Fortnite easter eggs.
› Falling from a height can cause massive damage to you, shields do not protect you when you fall, it will reduce your health.
› Your health will not regenerate itself in Fortnite, you will need to use items to heal yourself. Try to cover yourself up and heal if you are too low on health as you will be vulnerable when your health gets too low, a shot from a assault rifle is enough to knock you out.
› The port-a-fort can be used to make a quick-temporary cover to help cover you, it can also be used as a quick fighting position. If you expect to hold off enemies throughout the match, if you are alone, be sure to place a trap to help protect you, reinforce/upgrade the fort too as it comes as a simple structure that can be easily destroyed. The special item that comes with port-a-fort is the jump-tires that helps you to get to the top level of the port-a-fort, tires cannot be built with normal resources.
› The Cozy Campfire in fortnite is used to heal players in the area at 2HP a second but only lasts 25 seconds before it burns out which means that you can only heal up to 50HP at max, there will be a glow in the campfire that can be seen in a distance. When it burnt out completely, the base will be left there until someone destroys the base.
› The trampoline can be used to launch you up into the sky, you will be sent into a freefall and will be able to use your parachute, it is useful if you are at a high location, it helps you get around faster, try to open your parachute as quickly as possible to get the optimal jump distance.
› When building high-rise or stairs, try to put two or more stairs side-by-side, a player will have to destroy both sides of the stairs to destroy the rest automatically, if you put horizontal facing in-between the stairs, the auto-distruct will end there unless the player also destroys those.
› Building a fort that is too high-rise is not necessarily a good thing, if you fall from a high-enough location, it might knock you out, make sure that it has a good base if you want to build a tall fort to prevent you from dropping too high.
› Explosives and miniguns are effective at destroying structures, for poorly built structures/forts, you can shred are blow up the bottom part of the structure/fort, the rest of the structure will "collapse" and the players in the structure will drop, hopefully knocking out some, when they drop, they will be exposed too for you to kill them.
› It is very easy to get knocked out, once your shield and health has decreased to zero, you will be knocked out, when you have been knocked out, your your (2nd)health will decrease slowly until someone saves you, the (2nd)health has the same capacity as the actual health except that your speed will decrease and your (2nd)health will decrease slowly.
›It is good if you have teammates to play with as they can help revive you when you get knocked out, its also easier to play as you have more firepower together.
› When you play as a squad, it is you will get more rewards than playing with random people/alone, you can add people as friends after the match so that you can play with each other in a party.
› Getting the battle pass has better value as you will get more items compared to buying the item on its own, it is not recommended if you do not play often as you will only get the items if you play and unlock tiers.
› Being able to switch the building type is important as well as to switch between weapon and building mode, in Fortnite, aim is also very important if you would like to see examples, you can watch the stream below or bet andget a chance to win V-Bucks or other stuff, got to this link.
› If it gets too boring, you can switch between PvE and Battle Royal, each has diffrent gameplay experience, the base of the game is still the same.
›You can participate in the Fortnite or any Epic Games forums if you have any questions or you can view any updates at this link.
› Your mouse'se sensivity can be varied to your own taste depending if you want speed and action or accuracy, it depends on what you are doing, some mice lets you control the sensivity on the mouse itself which makes it faster, making it faster to react too.
› llamas can be found in Fortnite, they could drop 1000+ V-Bucks, these has the best loot, if you would like to read more , click here.
› Within season five, the new season allows you to get more easy progress and allows you to get more decent items even if you don't have a season battle pass.
› With the new season five update, you can now get the ATK, it is mostly lined along the edges to help you escape the storm.
›Constantly in the builder mode puts you at an disadvantage, many people make the mistake of constantly building, you are not going to be able to kill people in that mode unless you have traps. Better players will know how to constantly switch between the modes.
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